Students are asked to have their ID cards ready for use at the register to help keep the lines moving in order to allow
everyone enough time to eat. Students who do not have their lunch ID card are required to go to the end of the serving
line and come in after students that have their ID card.
Looking up students by name and verifying theim with their school picture takes additional time and will be done at the
end of the line. This process is an added level of security to safe-guard the money parents have put into their student's
At the middle school this ID is also needed for entrance into dances and to check out library books.
All incoming 6th graders and incoming 9th graders will receive 1 free ID card to start their middle school and high school
years. They will also receive one in their picture packet sometime in October. If both of these ID cards are lost
or damaged to the point where they do not scan, then the student can purchase a replacement card at a cash register for $3.00.
These replacement ID cards are normally printed at the end of the school day and students will not get them until the following
school day.
Students in 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades are required to save their lunch ID card from the previous year to use
at the beginning of the next shcool year until school picture packets arrive.