Q. What is the minimum number of food items students must select in order for a school lunch to be considered
reimbursable, and the student not to be charged a la carte pricing?
A. All buildings within Coldwater Schools utilize offer versus serve, so at least three of the five required
food items offered must be chosen.
Q. What is the minimum number of food items students must select in order for a school breakfast to be
A. Students mus choose at least three of the four food items offered.
Q. May the State agency mandate or prohibit offer versus serve?
A. Legislation mandates offer versus serve at the high school level. The school district has the
choice of implementing offer versus serve at middle school and below. As stated above, all buildings in the district
implement offer versus serve at both lunch and breakfast.
Q. May a student select a second serving of any one food item to count toward the three(or four) required
food items, e.g., taking a second bread or milk?
A. Lunch-No. All three required food items selected must be different to be counted as a reimbursable
Breakfast-A student may select two servings of either a bread or protein, however a second serving of fruit or
milk will NOT count towards the breakfast requirements.
Q. If a school also provides "a la carte" service, how can a cashier tell if "a la carte" prices should
be charged?
A. Students must be aware that a planned meal is offered that consists of five required items. Any
combination of food available that would meet the required minimum of three required food items may be sold at the school
lunch unit price. This same meal must be made available at free and reduced-prices also. If a student chooses
fewer than the three items, "a la carte" pricing must be charged. Any additional foods that do not meet the requirements
must also be charged at "a la carte" pricing.
Q. Can the charge for lunch or breakfast be reduced if students take fewer than the five required lunch
items and the four required breakfast items?
A. No. The National School Lunch Act requires the meals to be priced as units and charged as such.