As your Director of School Dining Services, I am available to be a guest speaker in your classrooms, please call
me to schedule a Nutrition class on basic nutrition and meet Pyramid Pete and the Fundamental Creatures. Call me at 279-8683
or 278-5731. Or use the contact page to email me your request.
Tamara Santora is Chartwells' 2010 Great Lakes Region Manager of the Year |
Tamara Santora, Director of Dining Services, Paulette Tobolski, Coldwater High School Headcook, Shane Poindexter,
Legg Middle School Head Cook, Mary Kelp, Coldwater High School, Karen Blount, Coldwater High School, Sandra Parkos, Coldwater
High School, and Melissa Skutt, Legg Middle School, are all certified through the Culinary Masterworks program of the Culinary
Institute of America.
2002 Trophy |
Runner Up-Account of the Year |
2004 |
Finalist Trophy for Account of the Year |
Chris Rakowski, Chartwells DM and Tamara Santora, Director of School Dining Services with 2008 Runner Up Account of the
Year Trophy, Be A Star plaque, Catering Award and Management Excellence Award at the 2008 Awards Banquet in July.
Laurie Whitehead |
2001 Finalist Trophy |
for Account of the Year |
2005 Second Runner Up Finalist Trophy |
No Discrimination!
The School Meals Program is operated in accordance with U.S. Department of Agriculture Policy, which does not permit discrimination
because of race, color, sex, age, handicap or national origin. Any person who believes that he or she had been discriminated
against in any U.S.D.A. related activity should write to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington DC, 20250.
Reviews and Accolades
All trophies and award certificates can be found posted on the walls behind the Coldwater High School serving lines.
Individual schools also display their associates' Serv Safe Certificates.
Coldwater Community Schools food service received Chartwells' 5 Star recognition for the years 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
2004, 2005, 2008 and 2009 in their Be A Star program.
Tamara Santora, Paulette Tobolski, Howard Leikert |
2003 Hourly Associate of the Year |
John Jack Sabaitis |
2004 Salary Associate of the Year Runner Up Trophy |
Tamara Santora, recipient |
Tamara Santora has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Michigan State University with a major in Hotel Restaurant and Institutional
Management from the College of Business.
80% of the food service associates are Serv Safe certified.
Paulett Tobolski was recognized as the Chartwells Great Lakes Region's Hourly Associate of the year for 1999-2000.
Laurie Whitehead was recognized as the Chartwells Great Lakes Region's Hourly Associate of the year for 2000-2001.
John Sabaitis has received the honor of the Chartwells' Great Lakes Region's Hourly Associate of the year for the 2002-2003
school year.
Tamara Santora was recognized with honorable mention in the Chartwells' Great Lakes Region Salary Associate of the
year for the 2003-2004 and 2007-2008 school year, and as the Regional Salary Associate of the year for 2009-2010.
The Coldwater Chartwells account was recognized as a Great Lakes Region's Finalist for Account of the year in 2000-2001,
2001-2002, 2002-2003,2003-2004, 2004-2005 and once again in 2007-2008.
Chartwells was recognized by the Michigan Department of Education as meeting the U.S.D.A nutritional guidelines in 2000-2001
and again in the 2005-2006 school years. This review is done randomly over 5 years.
2003 Finalist for Account of the Year |
Great Lakes Region |