Coldwater Community Schools Chartwells Dining Services

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Glossary of Terms
A nutrient needed to build bones and teeth and to maintain bones.  This mineral also plays a role in regulating body processes such as blood clotting, muscle contraction and relaxation, and the body's ability to respond to stimuli.  Helps protect against high blood pressure.
Units used to measure energy.  Calories are units of measure for both the energy supplied by food and the energy used by the body for physical activity and normal body functions.
A nutrient that supplies energy to the body.  Sugar, starch, and fiber are all forms of carbohydrate.  Carbohydrate supplies 4 Calories per gram.
A waxy substance that helps transmit nerve impulses throughout the body, helps the liver absorb fats.
A nutrient that supplies energy and essential fatty acids, and serves as a carrier of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.  Fats are either saturated or unsaturated.  Fat supplies 9 Calories per gram.
The non-digestible portion of food that helps maintain regularity and keeps the digestive tract healthy.  Some types of fiber may help prevent cancer and lower blood cholesterol.
A nutrient that is an important part of hemoglobin in the red blood cells.  This mineral is also needed for the use of energy in the cells and for resistance to infection.
A nutrient necessary for carbohydrate utilization, fat synthesis, and cell respiration.  This vitamin also helps maintain healthy skin, the nervous system, and the digestive tract.

A nutrient that is needed for growth, to build and maintain body tissues, to regulate body processes, and to supply energy.  Protein supplies 4 Calories per gram.
A nutrient that plays a role in the utilization of energy within body cells.  This vitamin is also essential for healthy skin and good vision in bright light.
Saturated Fat
A type of fat that usually hardens at room temperature.  Saturated fat tends to raise the level of cholesterol in the blood.
A nutrient that helps send nerve impulses through the body, helps muscles contract and relax, and helps regulate the balance of water inside and outside the cellss.
This form of carbohydrate includes sugars that occur naturally in foods, such as lactose in milk and fructose in fruits, as well as added suygars.
A nutrient that is essential for the use of carbohydrates for energy.  This vitamin also helps maintain normal appetite, muscle tone, and the nervous system functions.
Vitamin A
A nutrient essential for the growth of all cells and for maintaining the mucous membranes that line the eyes, resiratory tract, and digestive tract.  Helps keep skin healthy.  It also helps eyes adapt to changes in light intensity-making night vision possible.
Vitamin C
A nutrient that is necessary for the formation of connective tissues that help bind body cells together.  It also helps heal wounds and bones and helps maintain the elasticity and strength of blood vessels.